Don’t stop 2: The Right Education

What’s going on? This is John, coming at you, second video. Number Two of Secret Number 10.

We talked a little bit about moving forward and moving backwards. There’s no such thing as stagnation. So the next step that I want to talk about in this process of continued education is finding the right education. Finding the value in the right education that you have.

Now, some of the questions you might want to ask about it is, number one, what is the cost? For you, I would also suggest that you think about what is the investment I need to make? Make that mental trigger, but that also doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to pay, just because you say, hey, I’m going to put money in this so therefore I’m going to think of it as investment. No. Think of your money as an investment in the first place and then you go out to the marketplace and say, what return am I going to get from an education with this investment that I’m going to put into it?

So don’t let the opportunity come necessarily first with the money you got and ask for the money. Go ahead and set what you’re comfortable with aside, whether that’s a big huge chunk of change, whether that’s per month, whatever that is for you. Whatever you think your budget can handle, your spending plan, your windfall. Whatever it is that you really want to progress at.

I can tell you, there are things I’m working on right now that I don’t feel comfortable setting money aside to go to a $10,000, $15,000 Mastermind, but it’s actually one of the things that’s on my wall, on my goal list, to make sure that I’m getting into. That I earn the right to get there.

In my budget, I’m cool with doing some of the stuff that’s month to month and I spend a certain dollar amount every single month to do stuff even in here in REI Wealth Academy, the Wholesale Club, the Lease Option Group and various other things that help my mind, help my mentality, help my brain, help my brand, all that stuff.

I definitely have that set up but I definitely have a goal later on but I certainly don’t feel comfortable just dropping it on a credit card and I certainly wouldn’t suggest that you do that, either. But I’ve also gone through to evaluate the program that I’m going into.

What’s been the success of the people? Is it referred by other people? I mean, how many people really suggested it? I even go into the Better Business Bureau to see what the claims might be for certain people and going onto their free groups that are on Facebook, become a part of it and rubbing shoulders a little bit virtually with some of those people just to see what some of the people are asking. Are they just pitching stuff all the time or are they actually providing value for people even at that free level?

You want to be able to actually investigate each one of those companies before you go invest in it. Again, you’re looking for return on your investment. It’s your time, it’s your money. It’s your investment that you’re making and you want the biggest return. If you’re going to be an A player like we’ve talked about already, you want to make sure that you’re getting the biggest bang for your buck when you go. So make sure you’re asking the right questions about what type of continued education that you’re going to get.

You want results but again, you also want to fall in love with the process. You want to make sure that the people are looking out for you, they they’re resolving any issues you have. I mean, it really has to bring value to you and it really has to be worth it.

Again, we absolutely 100% believe that we’re providing awesome value in our REI Wealth Academy and all of our other groups that we have. Make sure you’re getting connected. At the end of the day, I know you’re getting value from this. Share this with other people that you think can get value from this as well. We even have an affiliate program that you can get hooked up with. That way, it’s providing even more value for you, more value for others as you share it out there with other people as well. So get connected on Facebook for REI Wealth Academy or the blog, Again, if you’re in the Roanoke Valley area, Roanoke Real Estate Education Group with Andy Stowasser’s group.

Again, get connected, get active, and get after it. We’ll see you on the next video as we close our our last secret, Secret Number 10.

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